The Baby Plan


all the milestones, one amazing experience

The most popular choice among families, the Baby Plan membership features up to three sessions capturing each stage of your baby's fleeting first years, with a complimentary maternity session, too. In addition to receiving exclusive discounts, products, and benefits, members are automatically enrolled in the VIP Club for ongoing savings far beyond the first birthday. 


Choice of up to Three Sessions over a 2yr Period
(petite- package is discounted)
(portrait- session fees are waived)

Each session may include baby, family, and siblings and grandparents, too!

Complimentary Mini Maternity Session with 3 Digital Files
(and a discount on the full gallery upgrade)

Complimentary Set of 25 Birth Announcements

Ordering Discounts on Packages, Collections, & A La Carte

Exclusive $300 Mini Session Option
(available year-round)

Priority Scheduling for our Special Events

First access to session calendar

Enrollment in VIP Club for discounts on future sessions

enrollment fee



choose a mix of smaller petite sessions
or full portrait sessions



three months

six months

nine months

one year

eighteen months

two years


After each session you'll place an order
with the exclusive membership discounts on each package or collection



Mini Maternity Session

Takes place in the Studio

3 Digital Files
(Gallery of 10+ images)


(option to upgrade to all digital files for $250)

find out more

and if you just want a few maternity pictures

Enrollment in the Baby Plan Membership includes up to three sessions over a two-year period. You may mix and match the session types within your plan.

If choosing a petite session, receive a discount on the gallery upgrade.
If choosing a portrait session, the session fee will be waived and a discount will be offered on the collections.

Additional complimentary products and benefits can be enjoyed through the length of your membership.

the details

Two-year period is from either the date of baby's birth or the date of membership purchase, whichever is later.

Complimentary products and services are optional and cannot be exchanged for another product, service, or compensation. If you decide not to redeem the complimentary products within the time window, they will considered declined and the offer will expire.

As happy as we are to celebrate those much-anticipated birthdays, it is sad to say goodbye to the little ones that we have watched grow for the past few years. The babies may be walking and talking, but there are more milestones yet to be reached and more memories to be made.

Graduates of the Membership are automatically enrolled in 

The VIP Club


Continued discounts & savings on future sessions
Collection & A La Carte Ordering Discounts
$300 Mini Session Option (available year-round)
Priority Scheduling for our Special Events

join the club!


automatic enrollment in the loyalty club

(And if you don't need the Membership but this sounds too good to miss, then find out how you can join the VIP club, too)