Summer is our favorite time of year. Or maybe it was autumn? Spring? No, it’s winter, I’m sure of it. Okay, we love every season of the year- each one is our favorite! But summer is extra-special because that means no school, long days and even longer nights, and lots of time spent outside.   Some […]


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There are so many things competing for our time and attention. Each day we are pulled in a million different directions, everyone and everything demanding something from us. And especially now with having to work/school/socialize from home, it’s all too easy to lose sight of what is truly important.   Yes, we have to work to […]


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This has been a LOT of together time.  I’ve always been a bit of a homebody and my family are my favorite people in the world and there’s no one that I would rather spend the day with. But after six weeks of 24/7 contact,  I reallllyyyy started looking forward to my weekly grocery pickups. […]


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You got this None of us have ever been through a time quite like this.   Some parents are still having to work the front-lines: in hospitals, emergency services, in local and state government, coordinating transportation, or stocking the shelves so we can eat. Thank you for sacrificing to take care of the rest of us. […]


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